Physical Therapy

/Physical Therapy

Develop, maintain and restore optimum movement and functional ability

Physical therapy addresses the health issues, or injuries that limit a person’s abilities to move, perform and function in their daily lives.

The physical therapist uses the patients history and physical exam to make a diagnosis and establish a management plan and, when necessary, incorporate the results of laboratory and imaging studies.

Physiotherapy management commonly includes education, specific exercises, manual therapy, and manipulation, mechanical devices such as traction, electrophysical modalities which include heat, cold, electricity, low level laser etc

The McKenzie Method

The McKenzie method, or mechanical diagnosis and treatment is a method that has as its main goal to educate and equip the patient with the appropriate tools so that he/she can self manage their painful conditions. Problems that are treated are back pain, neck pain and peripheral joint pain. The patient can then use these tools for the rest of his/her life if the problem would reoccur (something which is very common especially with back and neck pain)

Whether the patient’s back or neck can be treated with the McKenzie method will be known from the very first sessions with the therapist.

With the McKenzie method the patient becomes completely independent of the therapist, since after the treatment, he can intervene, and self manage his painful symptoms.

In this way the patient saves time and money. With the help of mechanical diagnosis and treatment, pathologies such as sciatica, back pain, neck pain, headache, cervical syndrome are treated. Hip, knee and leg pain caused by mechanical causes are also treated.

The McKenzie Method involves : 1) Assessment 2) Classification 3)Treatment 4) Prevention


Kinesiotape is an elastic therapeutic tape that is used to prevent/treat pain and enhance lymphatic circulation by microscopically lifting the skin. Additionally it can regulate muscle tone either by facilitating muscle activation or by inhibiting muscle over activation, improve microcirculation and thus allow for decreased inflammation in the affected areas resulting in speeder recovery. Kinesiotape is being used extensively in sports.

Low Level Laser Therapy

Low level lasers are effective in reducing pain, inflammation and promoting healing of soft tissues (tendons, muscles, ligaments, nerves). The treatment is completely pain-free and non-invasive and is applied to the surface of the skin.